Contemporary Research on Organization Management and Administration
Vol. 2020, 8 (1)
ISSN (online) 2335-7959
Pages: 55-70

Kestutis Liekis, KLQ Ltd, United Kingdom
Birute Aleksandraviciute, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
Olena Bochko, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Status: Published
Full paper link: CROMA_2020_8_1_55-70.pdf

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Purpose - To identify the job satisfaction of distance education teachers.

Research methodology. In order to reach the research purpose, an exploratory study was selected. Exploratory study – a preliminary study to find out the content of the problem, composition and directions for its further decision.

Research methods - analysis of literature; exploratory study (quantitative survey using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)); mathematical statistics.

Findings – distance education teachers with low levels of job satisfaction are most likely to feel dissatisfied with their job for the following reasons: compensation, working conditions, supervision - technical, responsibility, recognition, achievement, supervision – human relationships.

Research limitation - It was an exploratory study so the results cannot be generalised across all of the Lithuania population.

Value - despite the growing popularity of distance education, in Lithuania there are not enough teachers (in general). At this moment in time in Lithuania, there is a lack of about 200 teachers. So these two criteria require extra attention in relation to the distance education teacher’s job satisfaction.

Keywords – distance learning, teaching, job satisfaction, distance education teachers, education, e-learning.

Research type – research paper

JEL classification – M12, M10.

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